Period: to
The Consulate
Period: to
American Rev.
A war for independence against Great Britain. -
Revillon Roits
Estates-General Meeting
Gathering where representatives form various sectors of society come together to discuss and make decisions about important political, economic, or social matters. -
Period: to
French Rev.
The National Assembly is Established
Established to represent the people of a country and created laws. -
Tennis Court Oath
members of the Third Estate, locked out of a meeting of the Estate-General, gathered in a tennis court. Swore not to separate until they had created a new constitution for France. -
Estates General is Called
Louis XVI called the nobility, clergy, and third estate bouguassie, as a response to financial crisis facing France. -
Parisians Storm the Bastille
Parisians storm the Bastille in a symbolic act of defiance against the oppressive monarchy. -
Period: to
The Great Fear
Rumors spread across rural France that nobles were hiring outlaws to attack peasants and destroy their crops. -
National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen -
Women's March on Versailles
Thousands of women, angry over high price and scarcity of bread, March from Paris to the Palace of Versailles. Demanded action from King Louis XVI to address the food crisis and economic inequality. -
Guillotine was adopted as a way to kill -
King Louis XVI
Has been killed by the Gulliotine -
Committee of Public Safety is created
To protect revolution from it enemies. Was responsible for overseeing the governments actions and played major role in the Reign of Terror. -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
Used extreme measures to protect the revolution. Thousand of people were executed by the Guillotine. -
Queen Marie Defense
Protect herself and her family during the French Revolution. -
Queen Marie Antoinette
Queen Marie Antoinette is removed from power due to her betrayal, demonstrating the rightful consequence for an unjust ruler. -
Battle of the Nile
Period: to
Egyptian Expedition
18 Brumaire
Britain and France
A historical rivalry between two nations, that cause the War of Austrian Succession and the Seven Years War -
Battle of Trafalgar
Battle of Austrelitz
Period: to
Continental System
Napoleon's Empire and Allies
Napoleon Invades Russia
Battle of Borodino
Congress of Vienna
Battle of Leipzig
Anatomy of a Revolution
A book by Crane Brinton outlining the "uniformities" of four major political revolutions: the English Revolution of the 1640s, the American, the French, and the Russian revolutions.