Fred Korematsu

By NHD@ics
  • Congress Act

    Congress stopped all Japanese immigration to the U.S.
  • World War II

    The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and started World War II
  • Executive Order 9066

    President Roosevelt signed the executive order to put all Japanese Americans into internment camps
  • Government arrest of three men

    Korematsu was arrested and inspired Yasui and Hirabayashi to stand up as well
  • Supreme court

    The three Japanese Americans took their case to the supreme and were turned down
  • Government says sorry about what they did to Japanese Americans

    The government paid all Japanese Americans $20,000 as an apology for their actions
  • Medal of Freedom

    President Clinton awarded Fred Korematsu the Medal of Freedom
  • 9/11

    Terrorists crashed a plane into the World Tarde Center