Firstamendment 0

First Amendment

  • Ordinance of Religious Freedom

    Ordinance of Religious Freedom
    Stopped the harassment of people based on their personal religious beliefs. This protected people who used their 1st amendment right of religious freedom.
  • Jackson's Opposition

    Jackson's Opposition
    At Tennessee's constitutional convention Andrew Jackson stood up for religious freedom and opposed a required profession of faith by all officeholders. The reason it was a big deal is because it wouldn't allow people who weren't christian to hold an office.
  • "On Liberty"

    "On Liberty"
    John Stuart Mill published the essay "On Liberty." It poses the argument that if speech is free and research goes unhindered then eventually the truth will be brought to the public. This is an important event because it shows why freedom of speech is needed.
  • Espionage Act

    Espionage Act
    In 1917 the Espionage Act was passed to protect the armed forces from being slandered. This was important because it could have stopped people from joining the forces.
  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    The Sedition Act was passed in 1918 and it prevented spoken or printed criticism of the U.S. government, the Constitution or the flag. This was very important because it gave censorship and protected the government from criticism whether it was right or wrong.
  • Debs v. U.S.

    Debs v. U.S.
    The Supreme Court upholds the conviction of a presidential candidate, Eugene V. Debs for opposing the U.S. involvement in World War I.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    Teacher John Thomas Scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution in the Tennessee public school system.
  • Stromberg v. California

    Stromberg v. California
    A member of the Young Communist League, Yetta Stromberg's conviction, "opposing the United States government" by flying a red flag, was reversed under the clause that freedom of speech extended to nonverbal and symbolic expression.
  • Thornhill v. Alabama

    Thornhill v. Alabama
    U.S. puts down Alabama state law about loitering and picketing. The court decided that to stop the picketing and loitering without just cause.
  • Burstyn v. United States

    Burstyn v. United States
    U.S. Supreme Court decides that motion pictures are included in the First Amendment.
  • Pickering v. Board of Education

    Pickering v. Board of Education
    Marvin Pickering, a public school teacher in Illinois. He was fired for writing a letter to the local newspaper.
  • Brandenburg v. Ohio

    Brandenburg v. Ohio
    A leader of the KKK was convicted for a speech at a rally. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the speech was not protected under the First Amendment.