
Draven's Life

By 603935
  • Draven has been gaining a lot of weight

    Draven has been gaining a lot of weight
    To stop this Bob has decided to eat healthy, and to work out more.
  • Draven wants to improve his conditioning

    He started running, and working out a lot more. He also started taking martial arts classes.
  • Dravens brother Darius is lost in combat

    Dravens brother Darius is lost in combat
    Draven has forgotten his goals, and is started to gain weight. He has decided to talk to someone about it, and has started to feel better.
  • Dravens best friend renekton has strated drinking

    Dravens best friend renekton has strated drinking
    Draven is afriand that he might have liver problems, and that he will become a alcoholic Draven is also afraid he will get brain damgae and might get in a car accident.
  • Draven found out his brother died

    Draven was really sad after the first stage, but soon he accepted it and went on with his life.
  • Dravens Mom starts smoking again

    Draven is worried his mom might develop lung cancer, leukoplakia, and it might deystroy he her cilia.
  • Draven finds out, there is history of diabetes in his family

    Draven finds out, there is history of diabetes in his family
    He decided to start eating healthy again, so he can reduce his rick of diabetes, lower his chance for being obese agian, better chlostrol, and better health.
  • Draven goes to a party and his friend renekton wants to drink and drive

    Draven goes to a party and his friend renekton wants to drink and drive
    He told renekton that he can endanger people who are on the rode, and he could go to jail.
  • Draven is sick with the flu for a entire week

    To try and treat it draven got a lot of rest, and took some medicine, and he went to the doctor. To prevent next year he will wash his hands more, not get sick from anyone else, and make sure he is clean.
  • Draven decided to be abstinent

    Three tips to be abstinent are not doing high risk behaviors, not commiting in sexual acts, and not doing drugs.
  • Puberty

    Draven has finally heat puberty, he has started to grow more hair, and he is becoming more mature.