
  • McCulloch vs. Maryland

    McCulloch vs. Maryland
    A national bank was created in Maryland. The state of Maryland regulated its own banks and didn't want to compete with a national bank. Maryland imposed a tax to put the branch of of business and the branch cashier refused to pay. Maryland took him to state court and McCullough initially lost but the appeal was won by the Supreme Court.
  • Gibbons vs. Ogden

    Gibbons vs. Ogden
    Aaron Ogden was licensed in New York to operate steam powered ferryboats between New York and New Jersey. Thomas Gibbons obtained a license from the U.S. government to operate boats in interstate waters and became Ogdens competition without New Yorks permission. New York state courts prohibited Gibbons from operating in New York waters and the Supreme Court sided with Gibbons.
  • Interracial Marriage

    Interracial Marriage
    Prior to the case of Loving vs. Virginia, it was illegal to marry outside your race. The Supreme Court overturned state laws that forbid marriages between persons of separate races. This law opened the doors for all men and women to marry each other in any state in the United States irregardless of a persons race.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Federal government promised states billions of dollars towards education budget. States had to agreed to hold schools accountable by measuring students progress through standardized testing. These tests were designed by federal government.
  • Affordable Care Act

    Affordable Care Act
    The federal government only covers about half of the cost of Medicaid, but under the new healthcare law the federal government agreed to cover the full costs for the first three years. All states were initially required to expand Medicaid coverage under threat of losing federal funding. The Supreme Court ruled the states cant be coerced to participate and became optional. About half states opted out.
  • Marijuana

    Marijuana was illegal in this country. Washington and Colorado became the first 2 states to enact a state legal system of marijuana cultivation and sales to adults 21 years of age and older. Marijuana use in these states are legal for recreational while some states only legalized medical use.
  • Same-Sex Marriage

    Same-Sex Marriage
    The Supreme Court rules that same-sex couples in states permitting same-sex marriage could not be denied federal benefits. This action striking down most of DOMA provisions of marriage only between a man and woman in states recognizing same-sex marriage. The court did not require states to change their definition of marriage however