Fashion History

  • Feb 2, 1527

    tudors created the corset

    tudors created the corset
    poeple used corsets to make peoples waistes thin for very thin dresses if they couldn't fir in them before.
  • the sewing machine was invented.

    the sewing machine was invented.
    instad of using sharp things people found, one man created a machine that would do it for you.
  • fshion shows started.

    fshion shows started.
    people did do fashion shows before now and they were more common for richer people as they were they only ones who could buy a ticket.
  • Fashion began

    Fashion began
    Fashion began on the first ever day with Adan and Eve when they covered up thier bodys with leaves and fashion and then started.
  • people started wearing clothes

    people started wearing clothes
    Once folks started slipping on clothing, they then started to pay attention to how such garments looked on their frames. It was only a matter of time before spools of thread started spinning, synthetic cloths were put into production and more and more attention was given to this industry.
  • Tread was invented

    Tread was invented
    people used thread to make clothes and used sharp stickes from the ground to sow them together.
  • animal skins were fashion

    animal skins were fashion
    skins were a good sorce of wormth so people used the skins of animals for clothes and the meat for food.
  • other parts of animals were made for clothes.

    other parts of animals were made for clothes.
    bags and shoes were also made from parts of animals.
  • woven fibres instead of leather

    woven fibres instead of leather
    people didn't like killing animals anymore so they used woven fibres.
  • people used leather

    people used leather
    leather was good for protection so they used it on theirn carts.