Famous Dead Person

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    Thales of Miles

    600 BC
    Declared all life came from water. Everything was made of water.
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    460-370 BC
    thought everything was made of atoms
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    thought everything was earth, water, air, and fire
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Thought that atoms moved around and were small
  • Dalton

    1. elements are made of extremely small particles called atoms
    2. atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other pe=roperties;
    3. atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed 4.atoms of different elements combine in simple whole number ratios to form chemical compounds
  • Becquerel

    descovered radioactivity
  • JJ thomson

    descovered electron (two thousand times lighter than hydrogen)
  • Ernest Ruthaford

    atoms contain a nucleus made of protons surrounded by electrons
  • Robert Millikan

    determined the charge and mass of an electron
  • Gold Foil Experimen

    Ruthaford fired helium atoms at a gold sheet of paper but they hit the nucleus and bounced back. He didn't think they would
  • Bohr

    Created bohr model and said everthing was on fixed paths and couldn't be inbetween
  • Francis Aston

    Descovered and studied isotopes. Also did the whole number rule
  • Schrodinger

    made the quantum model
  • James Chadwick

    discovered evidence towards the existance of Neutons