Ewing Famous Dead Guy Project

  • 101

    Thales - 600 BC

    He thought everyhting was made out of water.
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    Democritus - 460-370 BC

    The was the first one to think there was an atom.
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    Aristotle - 384-322 BC

    He did not believe in the atomic theory.
  • Isaac Newton - 1704

    He thought atoms were tiny particles.
  • Dalton - 1803

    He came up with the atomic theory.
  • Becquerel - 1896

    He discovered radioactivity.
  • Thomson - 1897

    He discovered the electron.
  • Gold Foil Experiment - 1904

    Showed Rutherford that there was a nucleus.
  • Robert Millikan - 1908

    He determined the charge and mass of an electron.
  • Bohr - 1915

    Created the Bohr model, showing that electrons were on fixed paths.
  • Francis Aston - 1922

    Aston studied and discovered the isotope during a mass spectrometer.
  • Schrodinger - 1926

    He used math problems to describe the probability of where an electron will be. (The Quantum Model)
  • James Chadwick - 1932

    He discovered evidence toward the existance of neutrons.
  • Rutherford - 1904

    He discovered that atoms contain a nucleus.