
Events of the 1990's

  • Persian Gulf War Began

    Persian Gulf War Began
    Iraq invaded Kuwait because they thought it should be their land. They also said that Kuwaits oil was illegaly tapping oil from Iraqi fields. This war began with an Iraqi invasion on Iran and conntinued into a bloody battle as the Iranians slowly drove Saddam Hussein's armies back into Iraq.It ended March 3, 1991.
  • Bill Clinton was elected 42nd President

    Bill Clinton was elected 42nd President
    Bill Clinton was running against the first President Bush for Bush's second term. In the end Clinton, the democratic canidate, won.
  • The World Wide Wed goes public.

    The World Wide Wed goes public.
    In April, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois released the first version of their Mosaic browser which ran Windows. By late 1993 there were over 500 known web servers. The world wide web accounted for 1% of Internet traffic.
  • Kremlin Accords is signed

    Kremlin Accords is signed
    Bill Clinton signed the Kremlin Accords which ment that America's and Russia's nuclear missiles were the first time in a long time no longer pointed at eachother. It was the most significant thawing of the cold war relationships in decades.
  • Madeline Abright is the first female secretary of state

    Madeline Abright is the first female secretary of state
    Madeleine Abright is appointed the first ever female secretary of state in the U.S. for president Bill Clinton. Was preceded by Warren Christopher and succeeded by Collin Powell.
  • Columbine Massacre

    Columbine Massacre
    Two students at Columbine High School murder 13 people and injure 21 others. They then committed suicide after.