Internment camps 1

Events Leading to the Use of Internment Camps for Japanese American Relocation

  • Immigration

    The Chinese and Japanese immagrated in large numbers to America
  • The Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907-1908

    The Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907-1908
    President Roosevelt gpt the Gentlemen's agreeement that allowed only the families of the Japanese laborors that were already in America to immigrate.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, a naval base in Hawaii, which led to the distrust of many of the Japanese and Japanese-Americans living in America.
  • Moving away from the Military Bases

    Moving away from the Military Bases
    The Japanese were asked by the Justice Department officials to leave and move away from certain area's around military bases.
  • Speech in LA

    Speech in LA
    In LA, Mayor Fletcher bowron gave a speech calling out for the attention of all Japanese-Americans
  • The Executive Order of 9066

    The Executive Order of 9066
    President Franklin Roosevelt Endorsed the Executive Order of 9066, which authorized him to relocate the people of Japanese ancestry.
  • Relocation

    On the 10th of March, 1942, all Japanese-Americans signed up for relocation
  • Starting Evacuation

    Starting Evacuation
    In late March, 1942, the Evacuation for the Japanese and Japanese-Americans started
  • The Civilian Exclusion Orders

    The Civilian Exclusion Orders
    The Civilian Exclusion Orders were posted in San Francisco, and gave instructions to the Japanese-Americans on evacuation.
  • John Dewitt's Declaration

    John Dewitt's Declaration
    John DeWitt declared the West Coast (California) to be prohibited from the Japanese, causing several Japanese-Americans to move.