Grow up vector

Erikson Timeline - Kaylee Smith

  • Trust vs Mistrust

    Trust vs Mistrust
    Ten-month-old Jack's parents pick him up when he is upset, always feed him when he is hungry, support his efforts to explore, and come to his aid when he is hurt or ill. Because of this, Jack develops a positive, trusting relationship with his caregivers and feels secure. As an outcome, he will likely have less insecurity as he grows older and will not feel wary of the world around him's intentions.
  • Industry vs Inferiority

    Industry vs Inferiority
    When Jack is 8, his parents encourage him to try sports and Boy Scouts and celebrate his achievements in his activities. When Jack discovers he does not like baseball and would rather be in gymnastics, his parents ask him to keep trying, but eventually allow him to switch to gymnastics instead. Jack makes friends in sports and in Boy Scouts. Because his parents encouraged his endeavors and did not force him to continue in something he did not enjoy, he will gain autonomy and self-confidence.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Intimacy vs Isolation
    When Jack is 24, his relationship with his girlfriend has developed to the point where Jack is considering proposing. Because he is open and uncritical about his feelings, understands commitment and is not afraid of it, and trusts that his girlfriend feels the same way, he will positively resolve the intimacy vs. isolation conflict, instead of being afraid to commit to her, not being up front about his feelings, or not trusting his girlfriend.