
Energy Use In The US

By 807806
  • Federal Power Act of Federal Water Power Act

    Federal Power Act of Federal Water Power Act
    The FPC regulated the interstate activities of the electric power and natural gas industries, and coordinated national hydroelectric power activities. Basically, they couldn't continue to build or do different activities without a license.
  • Rural Electrification Act of 1936

    Rural Electrification Act of 1936
    Provided federal loans for the installation of electrical distribution systems to serve isolated rural areas of the United States.
  • Atomic Energy Act

    Atomic Energy Act
    The Act ruled that nuclear weapon development and nuclear power management would be under civilian, rather than military control, and it established the United States Atomic Energy Commission for this purpose.
  • Energy Policy and Conservation Act

    Energy Policy and Conservation Act
    The primary goals of EPCA are to increase energy production and supply, reduce energy demand, provide energy efficiency, and give the executive branch additional powers to respond to disruptions in energy supply.
  • National Energy Conservation Policy Act

    National Energy Conservation Policy Act
    Encouraged conservation efforts in homes, schools, and other public buildings.
  • Energy Tax Act

    Energy Tax Act
    The objective of this law was shift from oil and gas supply toward energy conservation; thus, to promote fuel efficiency and renewable energy through taxes and tax credits.
  • Nucleur Waste Policy Act

    Nucleur Waste Policy Act
    Established a comprehensive national program for the safe, permanent disposal of highly radioactive wastes.
  • Energy Policy Act

    Energy Policy Act
    Provided tax incentives for conservation and use of alternative fuels.
  • Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935

    Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935
    This was a law that was passed by the United States Congress to facilitate regulation of electric utilities, by either limiting their operations to a single state, and thus subjecting them to effective state regulation, or forcing divestitures so that each became a single integrated system serving a limited geographic area. Another purpose of PUHCA was to keep utility holding companies that were engaged in regulated businesses from engaging in unregulated businesses.
  • New Energy For America

    New Energy For America
    This plan to invest in renewable energy is basically Barack Obama's way of saying, "we rely on foreign oil far too much" and that it's time to do things a litle different.