Energy in the U.S.A.

By 737560
  • First Discovery of Oil in America

    First Discovery of Oil in America
    French explorers found natives ingniting gases that had seeped into the area around Lake Erie.
  • First Electrical Power Plant

    First Electrical Power Plant
    Built by Thomas Edison in New York City the power plant produced DC power for steet and building lights.
  • California Gas Wells

    California Gas Wells
    Gas wells drilled in Stockton are used for even powers the town Courthouse.
  • First Wind Turbine

    First Wind Turbine
    Charles F. Brush built a wind turbine to power his home. The turbine was 60 feet hiegh weighed 80,000 pounds, and supported a rotor with a diameter of 56 feet.
  • First AC Generating Plant

    First AC Generating Plant
    Using the power of the waterfalls at Niagra Falls, Nicolai Tesla and George Westinghouse build the first AC generating plant.
  • Invention of the Quadricycle

    Invention of the Quadricycle
    Henery Ford built his first automoile to run on pure ethanol.
  • First Self-Sustaining Nuclear Chain Reaction

    First Self-Sustaining Nuclear Chain Reaction
    The firxt self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was made possible by Enrico Fermi and his staff at the University of Chicago.
  • First Deep Sea Oil Platform

    First Deep Sea Oil Platform
    The first deep sea oil platform was used off the coast of California and in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Three Mile Island Accident

    Three Mile Island Accident
    The core of the nuclear plant in Pennisilvainia began to belt due to cooling problems. This lead to radiation being released into the atmosphere.
  • Guf War Oil Spil

    Guf War Oil Spil
    The largest oil spill in history, 500 million gallons were poured into the Persian gulf by Iraqi troops retreated from Kuwait.