
Energy Events

By THeise
  • First Wind Turbine

    First Wind Turbine
    Charles F. Brush, of Cleveland, Ohio, built the first wind turbine to power his own home.
  • Geothermal Energy

    Geothermal Energy
    The first commercial geothermal energy power plant was established in the Larderello dry steam field.
  • Solar Cell

    Solar Cell
    Russell Ohl invented the first solar cell.
  • Department of Energy

    Department of Energy
    President Jimmy Carter created the Department of Energy
  • Nuclear Energy

    Nuclear Energy
    Nuclear energy was producing more electricity than oil for the first time.
  • Wind Energy

    Wind Energy
    The first wind farm in the US was established in New Hampshire.
  • Solar Energy

    Solar Energy
    First commercial solar power plant, called Solar One, opens in California.
  • Electric Car

    Electric Car
    General Motors inrtoduced the first electric car.
  • Energy Star

    Energy Star
    Energy Star was introduced by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. It is a standard for energy efficient consumer products.
  • Energy Bill

    Energy Bill
    In 2005, President George W. Bush signed a comprehensive energy bill.