Electricity timeline

  • 2750 BCE

    First sign of elctricity

    First sign of elctricity
    In the Ancient Egipt, some egipcians discovered th electric fish and identified them with a thunder
  • 600 BCE

    Thales of Miletus

    Thales of Miletus invented static electricity, by rubbing diferent objects against one to other
  • Coulumb's Law

    French physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb formulated and published Coulomb's law. It is a physics Law that quantifies the amount of force between two electrically charged particles.
  • The battery

    The battery
    Alessandro Volta was an italian physcist, chemist and pioneer of electricity, who created the battery. Is a device which is used for powering electrical devices.
  • Atomic theory

    Atomic theory
    This year, the scientist John Dalton discovered which is constituted by atoms which are indivisible and immutable
  • The electromagnet

    The english physicist William Sturgeon developed the first electromagnet, which is a type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an electric current.
  • Photovoltaic Effect

    It is a physical and chemical phenomenon, which creates voltage and electric current in a material upon exposure to light.
    The french scientist Edmond Becquerel discovered it.
  • Kirchhoff

    German physicist Gustav Kirchhoff developed two laws now known as Kirchhoff's Circuit laws.
  • París

    It was the first time that a parisian street was iluminated
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison
    This year, Thomas Edison, an american inventor, inevnted the phonograph. It is a device for the mechanical recording and reproduction of sound.
  • X-rays

    This year, the x-rays were discovered by Wihelm Rontgen. He was a German mechanical engineer.
  • Fluorescent light

    The american engineer Peter Cooper Hewitt invented the fluorescent light which produces visible.
  • First Television Broadcast

    This year, an experimental Television broadcast was made in the US. Broadcasting is the distribution of audio or video content to a various number of audience via any electronic medium of communitation.
  • First wind energy plant

    First wind energy plant
    This year, the Sovet Union made the first wind energy plant. It uses the power of the wind to provide mechanical power through wind turbines to turn it into electricity. It also is a sustainable and renewable energy, that has a much smaller impact on the enviorement than others kinds of energy plants.
  • A big update in the television

    A big update in the television
    Scottish Engineer John Logie Baird developed the first color picture tube, by that, people started watching the video images in color.
  • The transitor

    The transitor
    It is a semiconductor device which is used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. It was invented by the american engineers John Bardeen and Walter Houser Brattain with the help of William Shockley
  • Holography

    Hungarian-British physicist Dennis Gabor invented Holography whichuses light diffraction to make an image
  • Nuclear Power

    Nuclear Power
    The first Nuclear power plant, which is a thermal power station in which the heat source is a nuclear reactor, in the US.
  • First computer

    It was the first fully transistorized computer in the US. It was mad by the Bell Labs for the United States Air Force. Charlie Brown was the lead engineer of this project. They worked on it for 4 years, until they finished it.
  • Electronic calculator

    Electronic calculator
    It is a device which is used to perform calculations, ranging from basic arithmetic to complex mathematics. The calculators had already been invented, but this was a breakthrough. They are the ones that we usually use.