Education Theorists

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    John Locke

    Created Behaviorism, which he believed in praise for good behavior and punishment for the bad. He believed that knowledge came to the child only through experience and learning.
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    He felt that children could choose their own destinies. He created the idea of maturation, which naturally determined growth pattern.
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    Charles Darwin

    He created the theory of evolution, which deals with natural selection and survival of the fittest. Encouraged other scientists to look at all aspects of human growth development.
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    Sigmund Freud

    He developed the psychosexual theory, which focused on how parents must manage their child's sexual drives early on in life. He emphasized the importance of parent-child relationship.
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    Jean Piaget

    He created the cognitive development theory, which was where children actively construct knowledge as they maneuver and explore their surroundings.
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    Erik Erikson

    He created the psychosocial theory, which balanced the edo and superego. He showed that raising a child has much to do with the values and culture of the society in which he/she was raised in.
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    B.F. Skinner

    He created the Operant conditioning theory, which showed that reinforcers would be praised with toys or food, while punishments would be poor behaviors, such as removal of privileges.