Edmund Rice

  • birth

    Edmund Rice was born on June the first in 1762 in a Callan, Kilkenny, Ireland
  • Early working life

    Edmund had 6 brothers and he worked at a Tenant farm to help out his parents as much as he could, Tenant farmers weren’t usually payed much.’
  • Married

  • Death of Wife

    He had a very strong connection with his wife and losing her was a hard thing to cope with, whilst he was hurt from his lost his compassion to help other grew. He became very compassionate of his religious scriptures.
  • Work with Nano Nagle

    In 1798, drawing inspiration from Nano Nagle, Edmund renovated some property, and set up his first school for the ‘down and out’ children.
  • Establishment of first school

    Edmund Rice established his first school at Mount Sion in 1802-1803 to educate poor and unhealthy people.
  • Builds Monastery

    The mount sion Monastery was blessed on the 7 June 1803.
  • Takes vows as member of the Diocesan Society of the Presentation – impact on his life

    The impact this had on Edmunds life was great he became one of the most helpful men of his time educating poor for their own good.
  • Brothers continue work across Ireland – where/ what did they do?

    Edmund Rice and the Christian brothers travelled all across Ireland educating the poor and teaching others so they can help.
  • First school opened in England – where and impact of more schools?

    The first school was opened in 1825 in Preston Lancashire
  • Formation of the Presentation Brothers – what impact did this have?

    The formation of the brothers had a great impact on the community and world
  • Presentation Brothers become known as Christian Brothers and continue educating - where and when did schools establish in Australia?

    The first school was established in Sydney and was established rom