
Edgar Allan Poe Timeline - Brynn #32

  • The birth of Edgar Poe

    The birth of Edgar Poe
    Edgar Poe is born in Boston, Massachusetts. His mother Elizabeth Hopkins Poe was an actress and his father David Poe Jr. was an actor.
  • Abraham Lincoln is born

    Abraham Lincoln is born
    Abraham Lincoln was born to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. He ended slavery and was the 16th president of the United States.
  • The death of Poe's mother

    The death of Poe's mother
    Elizabeth Hopkins Poe dies of tuberculosis when Poe was only two. As a result, Poe, his brother William, and sister Rosalie are left alone- soon separated and taken to different families.
  • Poe is taken in by John Allan

    Poe is taken in by John Allan
    When Poe was only two, his mother Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe died of tuberculosis shortly after his father David Poe abandoned them. Edgar was taken into the home of John Allan, a successful tobacco merchant who lived in Richmond, Virginia. John and Edgar would fight about money and bicker about little things.
  • The Monroe Doctrine is introduced

    The Monroe Doctrine is introduced
    President James Monroe stated that "the United States will not tolerate a European nation colonizing an independent nation in North or South America." This law was the Monroe Doctrine.
  • The Erie Canal is complete

    The Erie Canal is complete
    The Erie Canal links Lake Erie in the west to the Hudson River in the east. It runs about 363 miles from Albany, New York, on the Hudson River to Buffalo, New York.
  • Edgar's foster mother dies

    Edgar's foster mother dies
    Frances Allan died of tuberculosis, the same way Poe's wife and mother died. These were the three most important women in his life, who all died of the same disease.
  • The Battle of the Alamo

    The Battle of the Alamo
    On this date, the Battle of the Alamo began. Mexican troops launched an assault on the Alamo mission, white resulted in the Mexicans winning the battle.
  • 'The Raven' is published

    'The Raven' is published
    On this date, one of Poe's most amazing poems is finished and published. The New York Mirror was the name of the company that published this poem.
  • Poe's wife dies

    Poe's wife dies
    Poe's first love Virginia Clemm died of tuberculosis in Fordham, New York. She died the same way his mother did, at the same age.
  • The death of Edgar Allan Poe

    The death of Edgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe died at Washington University Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. He is buried on the grounds of Westminster Hall and Burying Ground in Baltimore.