Historical Events - Continuity or Change

  • Workers - Great Depression (5W's)

    Workers - Great Depression (5W's)
    As the stock market started to go down in 1929, many people lost their money and fell into debt. It worsened as the number of unemployment increased drastically, making the government create a relief camp. Relief camps were where single men had to work hard in difficult conditions to receive a small amount of money, shelter, food, and medical care. Due to the high unemployment rate and low wages people were angry, which led to many protests.
  • Workers - Great Depression (Continuity or Change)

    During the Great Depression, many things changed for workers. 25% of the population were left without a job, making many families suffer through hunger, coldness, sickness, etc. Also, whoever still had their jobs had to work hard in horrible work conditions and barely made enough to support themselves or their families. Single men had to go to relief camps to support themselves. The things people went through were much more terrible than their previous lifestyle before the Great Depression.
  • Women - Great Depression (5W's)

    Women - Great Depression (5W's)
    As the economy in various places in the world crashed down during the Great Depression in 1930, people lost their jobs and wages were much lower. However, in industries where women worked were less impacted by the stock market. Therefore, very few women were able to keep their job, but the wages were incredibly low. Also, married women were not restricted to work in some places because they had husbands that could care for them, unlike single women who had to make money for themself.
  • Women - Great Depression (Continuity or Change)

    When WWI happened women were able to join the workforce for the first time which was already a massive change. Although the soldiers came back and soon the Great Depression took place. Many women then had to leave their job. This was an unwanted change for women because they wanted to continue working. Also, the women who still had their job weren’t happy because they were getting paid much less and had to work more.
  • Period: to

    The Great Depression

  • Farmers - Great Depression (Continuity or Change)

    Before the Great Depression, farmers were making good money. Especially during WWI, when a large amount of food/crops was needed to feed the soldiers. It was when the Great Depression started in 1930 as things started to change. The prices dropped, and there were severe weather conditions like droughts that destroyed the crops. As a result, it made many farmers' jobs unsuccessful with no profit. This shows how a farmer’s job and its significance changed during WWI to the Great Depression.
  • Farmers - Great Depression (5W's)

    Farmers - Great Depression (5W's)
    During the great depression, farmers worldwide went through a crisis as all of their crop prices dropped. As many people lost their jobs along with their money, they couldn’t afford to buy crops from farmers. This led the farmers to lower prices and produce much more crops to make a profit. Although it quickly came to a stop as extreme weather conditions like droughts, heat, cold destroyed all the crops, which lasted almost ten years. (1930-1939)
  • Farmers - WWII (5W's)

    Farmers - WWII (5W's)
    As World War 2 started in 1939, farmers' income grew exponentially in countries at war because soldiers needed food to fight. Most farmers did not want to join the war because they were making so much money plus they were still recovering from WWI and the Great Depression. As the military expanded, farmers were asked to produce much more food while the number of workers were small. Many farmers at this time relied heavily on the government’s money, producing much more than they ever had before.
  • Farmers - WWII (Continuity or Change)

    Compared to the farmers’ unfortunate times during the Great Depression, their profit in WWII was life changing. During the Great Depression, it was hard for farmers to make any profit and they struggled a lot. Then, the harsh weather came leaving farmers no choice but to quit. It was when WWII started as the government began to demand a large amount of food for the military. As a result, farmers made an enormous amount of money. Therefore, this was a historical change for farmers at this time.
  • Women - WWII (5W's)

    Women - WWII (5W's)
    In 1939 World War 2 started and women had important roles to help fight for their country. They had to take over men’s jobs as they left to join the army. Therefore they were working, housekeeping, and taking care of everything themself while men were at war. Also, their donations and help played a powerful role in the war by providing soldiers with food and other necessities. Some women joined the war and supported the army, landing crews, and helped out on ships and air forces.
  • Workers - WWII (5W's)

    Workers - WWII (5W's)
    As World War 2 started in 1939, Canada started to get involved soon after providing Britain with supplies. Industries, the economy and the government all focused on the war only. They raised money by donating, built weapons and military vehicles. Canada used RCAF(Royal Canadian Air Force) to analyze the opponent’s positions and to attack, so many workers were trained to become pilots. Other male workers had to join the army again to fight alongside Britain and their jobs were replaced by women.
  • Women - WWII (Continuity or Change)

    During the Great Depression most women had their jobs taken away, especially married women. When World War 2 started they were expected to work again like they did in World War 1 to take over men’s jobs while they fought at war. It is a change compared to the time when they were restricted to work during the Great Depression. Even after they've been kicked out from workplaces, women still managed to get back and work again to help their country at war without physically fighting.
  • Workers - WWII (Continuity or Change)

    When World War 1 ended most women had their jobs taken away because men wanted their job back. When World War 2 started they were expected to work again like they did in World War 1 to take over men’s jobs while they fought at war. It is a change compared to the time when they were restricted to work during the Great Depression. Although this time some women were able to help out at war which didn’t happen in World War 1 so it was a big change between the two wars for women.
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Resources - Part 1

    Blakemore, Erin. “Why Many Married Women Were Banned From Working During the Great Depression.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 5 Mar. 2019, www.history.com/news/great-depression-married-women-employment.
    Canada, Veterans Affairs. “Women at War.” Historical Sheet - Second World War - History - Veterans Affairs Canada, 14 Feb. 2019, www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/history/historical-sheets/women.
  • Resources - Part 2

    Farmers Produce More Food for War in World War II, livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe40s/money_02.html#:~:text=By the end of 1941,what their urban cousins made.
    History.com Editors. “Great Depression History.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 29 Oct. 2009, www.history.com/topics/great-depression/great-depression-history#:~:text=The Great Depression was the,lasting from 1929 to 1939.
  • Resources - Part 3

    Markowitz, Norman. “The Communist Party in the '30s: The Depression and the Great Upsurge.” People's World, 3 June 2019, www.peoplesworld.org/article/the-communist-party-in-the-30s-the-depression-and-the-great-upsurge/.
    “Minority Women.” Women in World War II, 3 May 2019, blogs.stockton.edu/womeninwwtwo/minority-women/.
    Ogden Publications, Inc. “U.S. Farmers During the Great Depression - Farm Life.” Farm Collector, www.farmcollector.com/farm-life/u-s-farmers-during-great-depression.
  • Resources - Part 4

    Rotondi, Jessica Pearce. “Underpaid, But Employed: How the Great Depression Affected Working Women.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 11 Mar. 2019, www.history.com/news/working-women-great-depression.
    “Second World War.” Second World War | The Canadian Encyclopedia, www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/collection/second-world-war.
    “The Great Depression Hits Farms and Cities in the 1930s.” Iowa PBS, 12 Feb. 2018, www.iowapbs.org/iowapathways/mypath/great-depression-hits-farms-and-cities-1930s.