
Development of the Periodic Table

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    Democritus theorizes Atomic Theory

    Democritus theorizes Atomic Theory
    Democritus is a famous Greek Philsopher known for science and his mathematical methods such as 'Pythagoras' theorm. Democritus lived from 370 BC to 460 BC. During his time Democritus proposed a theory upon Atoms, this theory was known as the 'Atomic theory'. It is a theory which theorizes and hypotheically states. 'All matter consist of invisible particles known as Atoms'. Atoms are diminutive objects that are indestructible'. 'Atoms are elements that are homogenous'.
  • The early Periodic Table

    In between 1817 - 1829, German Chemist Johnann Dobereiner had begun to arrange the elements. That he acquired and gatherred from his research. From this he had arranged these gasses, metalloids and metals through groups of three. This was the early development of the periodic table. Eventually Doberiener had discovered that the halogen triad.
  • John Dalton, comprises his own Atomic Theory

    In 1790, John Dalton conducts and comprises his own atomic theory amongst the atoms. His theory hypotherically states 'All matter is made of atoms, Atoms are indestructible. 'All Atoms of a given element are identical in mass properties. 'Compounds are formed by a combination of 2 or more atoms. Finally a chemical reaction is the rearrgangement of Atoms. This is the theory that Dalton proposed about the atom. Corresponding this theory with Demicritus, this theory follows up withmore understandin
  • Alexandre de Chancourtois

    Alexandre de Chancourtois, is a french geologist. Who conducted the first arrangement of elements for the Periodic Table. This was the early version of Newlands law of octaves.
  • Law Octaves

    In 1964, John Newlands an English chemist. Had put forth his law of octaves theory. The law of octaves is a chemical law, which states 'If the chemical elements are arranged according to increasing atomic weight, those with similar physical and chemical properties occur after each interval of seven elements'. With this formula, Newlands was able to arrange the chemical elements through properties and groups.
  • The first periodic Table Law

    After Doberiener had created his own Periodic table, The first modern Table was invented by Dmitri Mendeleev. A Russian chemist who formulated the first ever Periodic law. Corresponding this table with Doberieners, it was much more concise within the detail of the atomic mass and atomic number. Subsequnetly at 1869, he published the 'The Principles of Chemistry'.
  • Discovery of the Electron

    In 1897, Physicist J.J Thompson discovers the electron. He said that the electron was part of the every atom. Through this discovery, he found that electrons conduct a 'negative charge'. And that every element of Atom consist of a certain amount of electrons. An example of this would be the element hydrogen. This element consist of 1 electron.
  • Discovery of the first Synthetic Element

    In 1937, Scientist unfold and create the element known as Technetium. An element known and used within Atomic Bombs and grenades. An element which has the suffiicient force to destroy and liquidate people. In 1952, another element known as Einsteinium was found in a Hydrogen bomb used in the cold war.