Chemistry discoveries and chemists

  • 1529

    Philipus Aureolus Theophratus Bombastus von Hohenhiem

    Philipus Aureolus Theophratus Bombastus von Hohenhiem
    -adopted the name Paracelsus
    - wasn't afraid to challenge the orthodoxy of the day
    -suggested that the world was made in 3 elements, salt,sulfur and mercury ; " core ingredients for making metals and medicines"
  • 16th century

    Alchemists began to penetrate substances around them in their bid to turn base metals into gold
  • Robert Boyle

    Robert Boyle
    -Studied phosphorus
    - wrote the "Skeptical Chemist"
    - one of the founders of the royal society
    - opened up the scientific method and helped alchemists be considered as chemists
  • Johann Becher

    Johann Becher
    • a year after the Great Fire of London he suggested that the fire was caused by pholgiston, a substance that was colorless, tasteless, odorless and weightless was caused the fire.
  • Henry Cavendish

    Henry Cavendish
    • discovered hydrogen
  • Hennig Brandt

    Hennig Brandt
    • was looking for a way to extract gold from the body which was urine -instead he discovered the element phosphorus
    • he called it "Icy Knock Toluca" -It is used in drugs to promote bone growth in people with osteoporosis
  • Joseph Priestley

    Joseph Priestley
    -Invented the fizzy drink
    -discovered oxygen
  • Antione Lavoisier

    Antione Lavoisier
    -proved that Joseph Priestley's experiment was oxygen not phlogiston
    - renamed 33 elements
    -first scientist to define an element
  • Humphry Davy

    Humphry Davy
    discovered force of electricity to rip apart a caustic chemical called potash and discovered a new element called potassium
  • Robert Bunsen

    Robert Bunsen
    Invented the Bunsen Burner
  • Gustav Kirchhof

    Gustav Kirchhof
    Invented the Spectroscope, an instrument made from two telescopes, a wooden box and a prism.
  • Discovery of Rubidium,Cesium, Thalium and Indium

    Bunsen and Kirchhoff discovered these element by using the Spectroscope and Bunsen Burner. Wavelengths were measured for every element which were all different.
  • Discovery of periodic table

    Discovery of periodic table
    Russian chemistry professor, Dmitri Meneleev created the periodic table
  • Article of 3 missing elements of Periodic Table

    Mendeleev published an article making predictions about three missing elements based on the properties of their neighbors
  • Discovery of Aluminum

    Discovery of Aluminum
    French chemist found a new metal called aluminum
  • Discovery of Argon

    Discovery of Argon
    Two british scientists found a new gas called Argon that didn't seem to fit in the periodic table
  • Isolation of Helium

    Isolation of Helium
    William Ramsay isolated helium after 30 years and also said it had no place in the periodic table
  • Discovery of Krypton, Xenon and Neon

    William Ramsay discovered these three new gases
  • Marie Curie discoveries

    Marie Curie discoveries
    Marie made two discoveries. She found that the element thorium could make air a better conductor.That was the real solid indication that this was not unique to uranium this might be a property of matter not curiosity and pitchblende seem to be radioactive
  • Discovery of Polonium

    Marie Curie and Shelton T. Murray announced the discovery of Polonium. Fun fact: the element is named after Marie Curie native country, Poland.
  • Many elements were discovered in the 19th century

  • Spectroscopy was a "Golden Standard"

    It was the golden standard of identifying elements in the 1900s
  • Isolation of Radium

    Isolation of Radium
    Marie Curie and her husband successfully isolated one tenth of a gram radium from ten tons of pitchblende residue.
  • First Female Scientist

    Marie Curie was rewarded a doctorate in France
  • Marie Curie for Nobel Prize

    She was rewarded a Nobel Prize in Physics
  • Marie Curie for Nobel Prize again!

    She was rewarded a Nobel Prize for chemistry in recognizing radioactivity
  • Madame Curie 1943 film

    Madame Curie 1943 film
    The film "Madame Curie" showed how tirelessly she worked to seperate the radium from the pitchblende residue