Development of Atomic Models

  • John Dalton and atoms

    John Dalton and atoms
    John Dalton who was a British chemist and physicist. developed a thoery that matter is composed of atoms of different weighs and is combined in ratios by weight. He also suggested that atoms are shaped in a spere and are constantly moving
  • JJ Thomson and discovering the electron

    JJ Thomson and discovering the electron
    JJ Thomson discovers the elcetron using prperties of cathode rays. A cathode ray is a beam of electrons emitted formthe cathode of a high vacuum tube.
  • Hantaro Nagaoka

    Hantaro Nagaoka
    Nagaoka was the first to defend a Saturnian atomic model that looks like Niels Bohr's atomic model in the electron orbit like Saturn's rings around the nucleus which itsself caontains a posotive electic charge.
  • Development of an atom 1909-1911

    Development of an atom 1909-1911
    Ernest Rutherford is well known as the father of nuclear physics.He developed the theory for the structure of the atom. He used a gold foil eperiment, observing the scattering of alpha particles. He also demonstrated for the existenc of the atomic nucleus for the first time.
  • Bohr improves the atomic model

    Bohr improves the atomic model
    Neils Bohr developed the Bohr atomic model. With electrons travelling in orbits around the nucleus, and chemical properties were bring dterminded by how many electrons are in the outer orbits. He also integrated the Plank quantum theory, he stated that when electrons chnage orbits they produce a quantum of indivisual energy.
  • Erwin Shrodinger desribe electon changes with math

    Erwin Shrodinger desribe electon changes with math
    Erwin Shrodinger describes how electrons move in wave form and developed the schrodinger equation which describes how the quantum state of a system changed with time.
  • Discovering the Neutron

    Discovering the Neutron
    James Chadwick discovers the neutron component of the atomic nucleus by explainng the nuclear fission of uranium 235. This also made it possible to produce elenets heavier than uranium.
  • Louis de Brogile

    Louis de Brogile
    Louis de Brogile is a French physicst.He gained popularity for his work on quantum theory. He disocvered the wave nature of electrons and suggested that all mstter has a wave property. in 1929 he won a nobel prize for phsics