Declaration of independence

Declaration Of Independence

  • the French and Indian war

    the French and Indian war
    By September 1760,the british controlled all of the frontier.the war between the two countries was over.Even though the war with the french ended in 1763,the brtish continued to fight with the indians over the land claims.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    April 5 1764,parliament passed a modified version of the sugar and Molasses 1733 which was about to expire.This also listed more goods to be taxed such as sugar,certain wines,coffee,pimiento and ect.
  • 1765 Samp Act

    1765 Samp Act
    The stamp act was passed by the British parliament March 22 1765.The new tax was imposed on all american colonist and required them to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they ised.
  • 1767 Townshend acts and boston tea party

    1767 Townshend acts and boston tea party
    The British American colonists named the acts after Charles Townshend, who sponsored them.The third act established strict and often machinery of costums collections in the American colonies.
  • 1774 Intolerable Acst

    1774 Intolerable Acst
    After the french and indian war the the British government decided to reap greater benifits fromt he colonies.The government spent sums of money on troops and equipment in attemp to subjugate Massachusetts.
  • 1775 Battles At Lexington And Concord

    1775 Battles At Lexington And  Concord
    On the evening of April 18th, the British troops were ferried across the Boston Harbor to start their march on Lexington.The colonists had been expecting a fight with the British. They had organized a group of militia, called the Minutemen. They were called Minutemen because they needed to be prepared to fight on a minutes notice.
  • 1775 Second Continental Congress

    1775 Second Continental Congress
    On May 10,1775 members of the second Continental Congress met at the state house in Philadelphia.There were several new delegates including John Hancock from Massachusetts, Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, and Benjamin Franklin from Pennsylvania. The New England militia were still encamped outside of Boston trying to drive the British out of Boston.
  • 1776 Thomas Paine's Common Sense

    1776 Thomas Paine's Common Sense
    An Englishman who came to America
    in 1774, he was a political philosopher who promoted change
    through revolution rather than reform.It is considered by many to be the catalyst that
    roused public feeling and was most influential in the creation of
    the Declaration of Independence.
  • 1776 Declaration Of Independence

    1776 Declaration Of Independence
    Jefferson drafted the statement between June 11 and 28, submitted drafts to Adams and Franklin who made some changes, and then presented the draft to the Congress following the July 2nd adoption of the independence section of the Lee Resolution. The congressional revision process took all of July 3rd and most of July 4th. Finally, in the afternoon of July 4th, the Declaration was adopted.