Dead Guy Project

  • 460

    Democritus (460- 370 B.C.)

    Thought of the Atomic Theory, thought that everything was made of something (atoms).
  • Jan 1, 600

    Thales (600 B.C.)

    He thought that everything was made of something (water).
  • Issacc Newton

    All atoms moved
  • Dalton

    Water exists in the air as an independent gas.
    1.) Element made of atom
    2.) same atom same characteristic, differ atoms differ size
    3.)atoms are indestructable
    4.) combine in whole # ratios to form chemical compounds
    5.) chemical reactions, combined, seperated, and rearranged.
  • Antwan herni Becqueral

    Discovered radioactivity
    Uranium Expirement
  • J.J. Thompson

    Had the Cathode Rays tube to help in experiment
    discovered the Electron, and the fact that atoms are not solid
  • Ernest Ruthford

    Discovered the nucleus is made of protons surronded by electrons
  • Robert Milikan

    Determined teh charge and the mass of a nuetron
  • Gold Foil Experiment

    Alpha particle + nuetron = scattered
  • Bohr

    Electrons are on fixed paths
  • Francis Aston

    Discovered Isotopes mass, Spectometer
  • Schrondinger

    The quantum Model; probability of an Electron path by math electrons
  • James Chadwick

    evidence towards the existence of Nuetrons
  • Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)

    Denied the atomic theory. thought that everything was made up of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water