cosmology history

  • 1514

    nicolaus copernicus

    developed the helio-centric model of the universe
  • 1572

    tycho brahe

    discovered that planets orbited the sun in elliptical orbits
  • johannes kepler

    proposed the laws of planetary motion
  • isaac newton

    theory of gravity, and how that keeps smaller objects orbiting around larger objects
  • pierre-simon laplace

    announced the invariability of planetary motions, meaning all planets have a unique but fixed orbit around the sun
  • william herschel

    discovered the planet Uranus
  • henrietta leavitt

    discovered about 2400 variable stars, which was crucial to measuring distances to different bodies in space
  • albert einstein

    proposed the theories of relativity, which allowed us to further understand the universe
  • willem de sitter

    made further predictions on the expansion of the universe
  • harlow shapley

    estimated the size of the universe and where the centre of the universe is
  • edwin hubble

    through observations of red-shifting, discovered the universe is expanding
  • georges lemaître

    proposed the big bang theory, suggesting everything in the universe originated from a single atom
  • fred hoyle

    discovered that a lot of elements on earth originated from inside stars
  • arno penzias and robert wilson

    discovery of cosmic microwave background radiation