Colonial exp

Colonies Rebel

  • Abany Plan of Union

    Abany Plan of Union
    As a response to French attacks on the frontier, Benjamin Fraklin proposed this plan to unite the colonies.
  • French and Indian War 1756-1763

    French and Indian War 1756-1763
    This war was a struggle between the french and the British over lands in western Pennsylvania and Ohio. Great Britain won the war in 1763 and gained conrol of the eastern third of the continet.
  • George III becomes king of Great Britain

    George III becomes king of Great Britain
    He was determined to deal firmly with the American colonists . To help pay for the war, he and his ministers levied taxes on, tea, sugar, glass, paper, and other products. He also believed they schould be governed different.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    Nine colonists sent delegates to a meeting in New York. This was the first meeting organized by th e colonists to protest King George's actions. A peition was sent to the king.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A group of idians dressed as Indians, dumped 342 chsts of Bristish ta into th Boston Harbor .
  • Coecive Acts

    Coecive Acts
    Colonists called this the Intolerbl acts. THis was parilments raction to th Boston TEa party. One ct clost th Boston Harbo one withdrew th right of th Massachuettes colony to govern itsself.
  • Commitees of Corspondce

    Commitees of  Corspondce
    This urgd reistanc to the British. The committees conisted of colonists who wated tokep in touch with on other as events ufolded.
  • Fist Continenta Congress

    Fist Continenta Congress
    Key colonil laders attended; Patrick Hnery, Samul adams, Gorg Washington. They dated on what to do about the rlationship with Great Britain. They imposed an embargo on Britain and geed not to use British goods.
  • Lexigton an Concord

    Lexigton an Concord
    Britaish redcoats clashed with colonial minutmen at Lexington and Cocord in Massachusetts. This was th first battle of the Revolutionary War.
  • Second Coninental Congress

    Second Coninental Congress
    Delegates from all thirteen colonies gathered in Philidelphia. The Continental Congtess assumed powers of a central government. John Hancock as president. They were going to organize an army and navy, issue money, and appoint George Washington as Commander of the Continental Army.
  • Resolution of Independence

    Resolution of Independence
    More thana year after fighting began in the colonies, Richard Henery Lee declared independence. Lee introduced a resolution in the COntinental Congress .
  • Decloration of Independance

    Decloration of Independance
    Congress approved the final draft of Jeffersons decloration. The colonies had officially broke with Great Britain. All ofthe delegats there had signed it, john Ahncock first a he was the president of the Congress.