cold war to present

By vazqfau
  • Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan

    Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan
    The truman doctrine marshall plan was created by harry s Truman. He pleged to the united states that he would any nation resist communism inorer to stop is from spreading.the united states plegded 13 billion aid to europe in the marshall plan. The impact was that this helped communism from spreading.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    Jfk was the 35th president of the United States. He was in Texas dallas when he was assassinated. He planned to go home the day he got shot but dallas insisted he stayed a other day to be in the parade. They put his route in the newspaper so everyone knew where he would be at. He died atv 12:30 dallas central time. The impact was that he was helping the U.S. out a lot and when he died everyone was sad.
  • Medicare Medicaid

    Medicare Medicaid
    Lydon Johnson,1966. The government helps pay hospital bills of citizens over the age of 65. Covers about half of health care charges.
    older adults paid more than as much for health insurance as younger people. Social security admin 1965. Money to help low-income people of all ages. the largest source of funding for people without income. WI medicade=badgercare
    varies from state to state
  • Watergate

    Watergate was a scandal during Nixon's second term in office. There was a burglary in Washington d.c. Police caught 5 men breaking into Democratic party headquarters. They were caught because they left the door open. Nixon was supposedly linked to it. He ensured he wasn't involved. New evidence linked him to the crime. There were secret tapes. In July 1974 Nixon was impeached and was the only president to quit.