Cold War Mini Project #2

By 2058172
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    Middle Cold War

  • The Space Race

    The Soviet Union launched the Earth's first artificial satellite, escalating the Arms Race and raising Cold War tensions between the US and the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union intended to show that it was more advanced and stronger than the United States. It had an impact on American domestic policy because it made both the Soviet Union and the United States realize the importance of rocket development in strengthening each side's military.
  • Vietnam War

    Because communist forces won control of South Vietnam in 1975 and the country was reunited as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam the following year, this produced friction between the US and the Soviet Union. Although America's containment was in effect, this substantially raised the dread of communism in American society because there were more communist takeovers.
  • USSR Development of Hydrogen Bomb

    The development of the hydrogen bomb in the Soviet Union heightened tensions by contributing to the cause of the Cold War Arms Race, which was a competition for nuclear supremacy between the US, the Soviet Union, and their respective allies. Although this had no impact on American society, it did have an impact on the Soviet Union's relationship with the United States. They were supposed to collaborate, but now they're competing against one another.
  • Hungarian Revolt

    Despite the fact that there was no conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States, the Soviets had an impact on the natives of Hungary. On November4,1956, they were annihilated by Soviet tanks and men. The US requested freedom of passage to Hungary from Austria, but Vienna refused to allow it to cross by land or even use its airspace. The US had no intention of getting embroiled in a foreign battle.
  • The Suez Crisis

    The crisis was sparked by the United States and the United Kingdom's refusal to fund Egypt's construction of the Aswan High Dam, as pledged in reaction to Egypt's increasing connections with the Soviet Union. The invasion of Egypt by Britain, France, and Israel to reclaim control of the Suez Canal was perhaps one of the most momentous episodes in post-World War II British history. Its decision underlined Britain's deteriorating stature and reinforced its status as a "second-tier" global power.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik's launch exacerbated the weapons race and heightened Cold War tensions between the US and the Soviet Union. Because many in the US military have fallen behind in developing new technology, this event had an impact on society in the United States.
  • U2 Incident

    Because America invaded Soviet territory by flying U-2 planes there, and risked a violent Soviet response, this episode heightened tensions between the US and the Soviet Union and worsened the Cold War. The locations were determined by President Eisenhower, who demanded that planes be allowed to fly. It is against foreign policy because the Soviet Union cancelled a conference with the United States, the United Kingdom, and France after this occurrence.
  • Bay of Pigs

    The Soviets sparked the fire, seeing the Bay of Pigs as a US blunder. The Soviet Union and Cuba aspired to work together to oppose the United States, adding to the Cold War's tensions. This had an impact on foreign policy since it demonstrated how the Soviet Union had essentially betrayed the United States as a result of the hostilities that had occurred between the two countries.
  • Berlin Crisis

    Because the Soviet government erected a blockade around Berlin, cutting the city off from all land transportation in the West, tensions between the two great countries rose. It was viewed as a danger to Western Europe's freedom by the United States. It had a social impact since the Soviets shut off 2.5 million inhabitants in Berlin's three western sectors from electricity, food, and other essential supplies as a result of the blockade.
  • Cuban Missiles Crisis

    Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union rose after a U2 plane was shot down by a Russian missile, killing the pilot. The Soviet Union began smuggling missiles into Cuba in order to launch surprise assaults on American cities. This had an impact on American society because it brought the country together as people rallied around President Obama. The people supported the blockade and President John F. Kennedy's decision to remove the offensive missiles.
  • JFK

    John F. Kennedy put an end to the Cold War tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. He chose to erect a naval blockade, or ring of ships, around Cuba after the Cuban Missile Crisis. This "quarantine" was imposed to prevent the Soviets from bringing in more military supplies. He demanded that the missiles that were already on the ground be removed and that the missile installations be destroyed.
  • Six-Day War

    It does not directly contribute to tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, but it does contribute to tensions between Egypt and Syria. During the Yom Kippur War of1973, there was a huge clash. Because the US consistently refused Israeli pleas for military help and sanction for an Israeli preemptive strike on Egypt, it had an impact on American domestic politics.
  • Vietnamization

    This created friction by enlisting the help of other parties, such as Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The United States aided South Vietnam with money and men in the hopes of winning the Vietnam War, while the Soviet Union backed North Vietnam in the hopes of winning the war. This had an impact on society and foreign policy since it led to the passage of the War Powers Act, which limits a president's power to commit American troops into battle without Congressional permission.
  • Nixon

    He did not add to the tensions, but rather worked to reduce them. He articulated a theory that pushed for peace through cooperation with American friends. Nixon's most notable achievements in foreign policy were the reopening of American relations with China and the alleviation of tensions between the US and the Soviet Union.
  • SALT

    The United States and the Soviet Union established the first accords limiting and restricting some of their most critical and critical armaments. They were also held responsible for the production of strategic missiles capable of carrying nuclear bombs under this agreement. This had a positive impact on the United States since it allowed them to stop testing new nuclear technologies, which had a negative impact on society.