Cold war causes, effects, and events

  • Yalta Confrence

    A meeting between the allies to divide up Europe after World War 2.
  • Iron Curtain speech

    Winston Churchill made is famous iron curtain speech describing the differences between eastern and western Europe.
  • Nato was created

    Nato was a group of countries that were all non communist and protected eachother against aggresion.
  • America's fear of a communist attack

    America was afraid of a communist attack throught the cold war.
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    Korean War

    The war between Norht and South Korea.
  • Warsaw pact was created

    This was a group of communist countries that was just like NATO
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    Vietnam War

    The war between North and South Vietnam.
  • Launch of Sputnik

    First satillite ever launched into space and part of the space race.
  • U2 incident

    A U-2 spyplane was shot down over the Soviet Union.
  • Richard Nixon becomes President.

    he becomes the president.
  • Vietnamization

    Troops began being slowly pulled out of Vietnam.
  • SALT talks begin

    The strartegic arms limitation talks begin to limit the amount of weapons each country can have.
  • Soviet Union collapsed

    The soviet union collapses and becomes Russia.