Cold War

  • Cold war begins

    Cold war begins
    The cold war begins and it was a state of political and millitary tension
  • The marshall plan

    The marshall plan
    President truman siigned the economic recovery act and it became known as the marshall plan
  • NATO formed

    NATO formed
    NATO means north atlantic treaty organization and it was a response to the threat poted to the soviet union
  • Fight

    U.S. and other U.N. members fight North Korean forces.
  • korean war ends

    korean war ends
    north korea was subject to a massive bombing and the war ended when the armisitce signed
  • Red army

    Red army
    Red Army crushes the Hungarian Revolution.
  • Berlin Wall formed

    East germans pressured soviets to build the berlin wall
  • Conflict

    Sino‑Soviet Conflict begins. The problems start
  • Troops

    U.S. sends troops to the Dominican Republic.
  • Visits china

    Visits china
    President Richard Nixon visits China
  • Solidarity

    Polish shipyard workers strike, Solidarity Union formed.
  • Invading

    U.S. invades Grenada.
  • Chineese

    Led by university students, over one million Chinese in Tiananmen Square demand reform the Chinese Communist government.
  • Reunification

    George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev agree to the reunification of Germany in 1994
  • Soviet union

    Soviet union
    The Soviet Union is abolished. Boris Yeltsin becomes President of Russia.