Cold war

Cold War

By Aido
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    Satellite States

    Satellite states were "puppet states" that surrounded the Soviet Union. These states were influenced by the Soviet Union and had Communist governments. This happened because the Soviets gave a very compelling deal with their idea of everyone gets fed if you follow us. which after WW2 was a selling point everyone could agree with. They were given the name satellite states for being smaller countries that surrounded the Soviet union like a satellite surrounds a planet.
  • The Long Telegram

    The Long Telegram
    The Long Telegram was sent to Washington by George Kennan from the United States Embassy in Moscow. This telegram outlined the behavior of the Soviets along with the idea of containment. Containment was the idea that the Americans would prevent the spread of the Communism by keeping it limited to the Soviet Union. That way America can ensure that the Soviets don't increase their army to the point of being unstoppable.
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    The Red Scare

    The Red Scare was a movement of fear that feared for the rise of Communism within the United States. The House Un-American Activities Committee was formed to investigate the federal office and even Hollywood for potential communist supporters. A powerful leader of the anticommunist movement was Joseph McCarthy. Well known in politics for spreading hearsay and intimidating the American people. He would slander any person who disagreed with his beliefs, ruining their reputation and jobs.
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    The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan was an American plan with the goal of aiding Europe in it's recovery after WW2. This plan was brought to the table by the secretary of State George Marshall. The plan was to last 4 years and provide over $15 billion of aid to the countries of Europe. By providing aid, America had two main goals. The first was to help Europe get back on it's feet so that it could help with the booming economy of the west. The other goal was to prevent the spread of communism to weaker countries.
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    Berlin Airlift

    The Soviet Union set up a blockade that prevented the western powers to deliver supplies to West Berlin. So as a counter measure, the west would send supplies through air plane. delivering an assortment of food, fuel, clothing and medicine every day. a new plane would arrive in the airport every hour or so to deliver goods. The Soviet Union hoped the blockade would allow for them to take complete control of Berlin. But their plan failed.
  • The Formation of NATO

    The Formation of NATO
    NATO or the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed for the purpose and idea of an international alliance. When a country under the protection of NATO was threatened, the collected armies would help the defending country. Typically to deal with the current threat to the West, in this time frame it was the Soviet Union and Communism. NATO would also help countries financially if needed.
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    Korean War

    When Korean was freed of Japanese rule after WW2, it was left in the hands of the Americans and Soviets. They decided to cut the country in half, South side run by a democratic leader and the North led by a communist one. Eventually, the North invaded the South and tried to take over. America joined the South in defeating the Communist threat as they said. When the North was pushed back, China joined their fellow communist allies to push back the Americans. Pushed back to 38th parallel.
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was the Soviet Unions answer to NATO. Like NATO, the Warsaw Pact was an alliance between the Soviet Union and it's satellite states. It was created as a way to keep control of the satellite states so that they are not swayed by the support offered by NATO. Then Warsaw gave the satellite states financial and military support, but was mostly an excuse for Soviet troops to take control of the countries and make sure they don't flip sides.
  • USSR shoots down U-2 plane

    USSR shoots down U-2 plane
    The U-2 was the most marvelous planes that America possessed, travelling higher than any other plane could fly and out of reach of most anti-air weaponry. These planes were used to spy on the USSR from high above their reach. Unfortunately, one was shot down and was then in Soviet hands. The American president Dwight Eisenhower tried to cover it up but was caught red handed. Leading to a very embarrassing showing of the president and one of his worst blunders of his presidency.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was a issue that almost caused a full out war between the U.S and the Soviet Union. It was discovered by American U-2 spy planes over Cuba that Soviet missiles were being set up for defensive purposes. The Americans put forth a blockade around Cuba turning back any soviet ship with offensive weaponry. After some more tension between the two powers. They agreed that all missiles in Cuba would be returned to USSR and in return the U.S promised not to invade Cuba.
  • Reunited Germany

    Reunited Germany
    West and East Germany decide to once again become a united country. East Germany was on shaky ground with the Soviet Union, paying many war repercussions to fund projects for the USSR. The idea of independence raised even further in 1989. It got so overwhelming until the USSR finally gave in. The East and West Germany governments met with the WW2 powerhouses that occupied their land and signed a treaty officially bringing together East and West Germany.
  • The Collapse of the Soviet Union

    The Collapse of the Soviet Union
    With the leaving of East Germany, many other satellite states got the idea of independence in their heads and also desired what East Germany got. The Soviet Union saw that their Empire was falling apart and decided that it would be more beneficial to start relationships with other stronger countries including the U.S. Thus the Soviet Union and Russia was once again formed. Releasing all of it's satellite states and started to form new relationships around the world.