Civilness is goodness

  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    The making of the 13th amendment was in Washington, DC. They made the 13th amendment so they could outlaw slavery.
    the people who were involved in the 13th amendment was Presendent Jhonson. In the end the result of the making of the 13th amendment was they did outlaw slavery and that is what they hoped for.
  • Arrest of rosa parks

    Arrest of rosa parks
    Rosa Parks was arrested in Montgomery, AL. The method of the arrest is she was using nonviolent defiance. The leaders of this event was Rosa Parks. The result of this event came out to be that she was rallying point for an organizing the african american community.
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    The Montgomery bus boycott took place in Montgomery, Alabama.The method of the boycott was being peacefull and people riding the buses equally and could sit where they want. The result of the bus boycott in Montgomery was that they got to ride the buses while siting anywhere they want and then the buses were not segragated anymore.
  • Little rock nine

    Little rock nine
    The Little rock nine took place in Little rock, Arkansas. The method of this even was to inforce the Brown v/s board of education. The leaders of this event was the presisdent, govener and Little rock nine. The result was that the school Central High was intagrated.
  • Greenboro sit-in

    Greenboro sit-in
    On July 5 , 1960 the Greensboro sit-in took place in Greensboro, North Carolina. The Greensboro sit in was a method so Caucasians and African Americans could sit together at the bar and that African Americans didnt have to be served last so the caucasians could be first. the result was that the causasians and the african americans could sit together at the bar and that they would all be served equally. The leaders of this even was the Greensboro 4.
  • Busing in Charolette

    Busing in Charolette
    The busing in Charlotte took place in Charlotte, NC. The method of the busing in Charlotte was that Caucasians and African Americans can ride the bus together. The result of this was that the Caucasians and the Caucasians and the African americans could ride the buses together and that the buses werent segrageted anymore. The leaders of this event were Jhon J. Parker and the U.S. Supreme court.