Civil Rights TimeLine

  • Amendment 13

    Amendment 13
    Amendment 13 was on December 6, 1865. It took place in Washington, D.C. The method was the house of representatives. The leaders were also the house of representatives. The result was that the Amendment 13 outlawed slavery.
  • Amendment 14

    Amendment 14
    Amendment 14 took place on July 9. 1868 in Wahsington D.C. The method used was protect the legal rights of freed slaves. The leaders were the state. The result was that the legal rights of slavery was protected.
  • Wilmington Riots

    Wilmington Riots
    The Wilmington Riot was on November 10, 1898. It took place in Wilmington, North Carolina. One of the methods used was outright intimidation. The leaders were Daniel Russell, Furnifold Simmons, Alfred M. Waddel, Charles B. Aycock. The reuslt was the Wilmington Race Riot.
  • Pearsall Plan

    Pearsall Plan
    The Pearsall Plan was May 17, 1954. It took place in Salisburg, North Carolina. One of the mehtods they used was when they convened a special session of the general assembly in July 1956. One of the leaders was Benjamin Smith. The result is that the legislators passed the pearsall plan with only two dissenting votes.
  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    Brown Vs. Board of Education
    Brown Vs. Board of Education was on May 17, 1954. it took place in Topeka. The methhod they used was a lawsuit. The leaders were Linda Brown and her family. The result was that it strengthened governments commitment to the Civil Rights.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The Montgomery Bus Boycott was on December 5, 1955. It took place in Montgomery, AL. The method that was used was Unconstitutional law. The leaders were Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and others. The result was that the supreme court settled that the law was unconstitutional.
  • The Little Rock Nine

    The Little Rock Nine
    The Little Rock Nine took place on September 4, 1957. It occured at the Central Highschool in Rock, Arkansas. The method they used was Brown Vs. Board of Education. The leaders was the Little Rock Nine Governor Orval Fabous. The result was that the Central Highschool was integrated.
  • Greensboro Sit-in

    Greensboro Sit-in
    The Greensboro Sit-in was February 1, 1960. It took place in Greensboro, NC. The method that they used was that MArtin Luther King Spoke in Raleigh, NC. The leaders were the students and Martin Luther King. The result was that luch counters were disegregated.