Civil Rights


    The NAACP was found in 1909 on Feb 12th their method was to use lawyers and courts to argue the Education received by African- American students was inherently inferior since it sent the message African American children weren't good enough
  • Mendez Vs. Westminster

    the court addressed the segregation as Mexican students that was brought to court. they rule the case as unconstitutional 8 unlawful. the case resulted in California districts to repeale its school segregational laws
  • Desegregation of the U.S Military

    in Feb 1948 president Truman created an important benctmask in the quest for equality and civil rights for African to fight along white troops. Which created a faic employment board to Eliminate racial discrimination in federal employment this was one of the 1st times the U.S Gov degenerated a Gov job
  • 22nd Amendment

    limits the president to only two 4 years terms in office. before the 22nd amendment president TRADITIONALLY served a max of two terms, following the examples set by George Washington . FDR broke this tradition as he served 4 terms . after FDR's death people realized this was bad for the country. This led o the 22nd Amendment
  • 23rd Amendment

    the historical cause of it being possible at the time was because it gave the people who lived in Washington DC the right to vote for representatives or a president
    ~ the effects is the Amendment was to ensure that the provisions of the 23rd Amendment are enforced and Washington DC has its electrical votes applied to elections