Cinderella Man

  • Braddock Wins

    Braddock wins the fight against Tuffy Griffiths. He and his family are living well lives.
  • Great Depression

    Braddock and his family are now poor and living out in the streets. Braddock breaks his hand, forcing him to retire from boxing and leaving manager Joe Gould.
  • Braddock vs. Griffin

    Life is getting better for Braddock and his family as they are now in a better house. Braddock is given the opportunity to fight Corn Griffin by Joe Gould and wins the match. However, his wife Mae believes that Gould is using Braddock and disapproves of his fighting.
  • Max Baer Fight

    Braddock and Baer fight for the Heavyweight Champion of the World title. After a really close battle, Braddock is crowned the title and he and his family live better lives in a better house.