Logo cia


  • Admiral Sidney W. Souers -First Director of Central Intelligence (DCI).

    Admiral Sidney W. Souers -First Director of Central Intelligence (DCI).
    "Rear Admiral Sidney W. Souers appointed to be the first DCI"
  • National Security Act of 1947

    National Security Act of 1947
    Signed by president Truman, the National Security Act of 1947 creates the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
  • Period: to

    CIA timeline

  • CIA is formally founded and replaces CIG

    CIA is formally founded and replaces CIG
    Central Intelligence Group (CIG) is replaced allowing the CIA to formally come into existence
  • Iranian Premier Mohammed Mossadeq overthrown

    "CIA-assisted military coup overthrows the Iranian Premier Mohammed Mossadeq"
  • CIA develops aircraft

    CIA develops aircraft
    "CIA’s A-12 supersonic reconnaissance aircraft makes first official flight."
  • New DCI- George H. W. Bush

    New DCI- George H. W. Bush
    "George H. W. Bush appointed DCI."
  • Terrorist attack

    Terrorist attack
    "Al-Qa’ida terrorists crash airplanes into World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Shanksville, PA, killing almost 3,000 people"
  • DCI responds to 9/11 attack

    DCI responds to 9/11 attack
    "DCI Tenet writes memo – 'We are at war.'"
  • Bin Laden is found

    "President Barack Obama announced that most-wanted fugitive Usama Bin Laden, the founder and leader of al-Qa’ida, was killed during an American operation in Abbottabad, Pakistan."