chemistry timeline

  • sir robert boyle

    sir robert boyle
    fundemental gas laws
  • dalton's model

    dalton's model
    the atoms were tiny invisible and indestructable nd they each had their own mass and sizeand that the combination are placed in a ratio
  • lord kelvin

    lord kelvin
    invented kelvin scale, thermodynamic law
  • louis pasteur

    louis pasteur
    immunochemistry is inveted, heat steriation
  • alfred noble

    inveted dynomite
  • Thomson"s model

    the electrons are like plums and the protrons are like the pudding. the plums move around the pudding over and over again.
  • rutherford"s model

    the electrons orbit the protons, just like the plants do to the sun
  • bohrs model

    bohrs model
    small, postitivly charged protons , orbited by negitively charged electrons
  • ben franklin

    lightning is electricity