Chemistry dead people project

  • 460


    460b.c 370 b.c
    atoms indestructible, thought there was an 'atom'
    thought atoms were just balls
  • Oct 1, 600

    Thales of Miletus

    Everything came from water
    no atomic, no experiences
  • Sir Issac Newton

    thought all atoms moved around
    no atomic modek
    no experiment
  • John Dalton

    Element made extremely small particles
    Atoms given element, identical in size,mass. Atoms different elements
    Atom different elements combine in whole number ratios, form chemical compound
  • Henri Becquerel

    discovred radioactivity
    atom was a solid ball
  • J.J Thomson

    1897-discoverd electon 2,000 lighter than hydrogen atom
    experiment cathade rays tube
    plum pudding
  • Ernst Rutherford

    Discoverd nusleuc in atoms
    atoms contained nucelus, protons, surrounded by electrons
  • Robert Millikan

    oil drop experiment
    discoverd charge and mass each element
  • Bohr

    Bohr Model created electrons in atom, orbits energy around nueleus.
    Bohr Theory not all correct
  • Francis Aston

    Found isotope using a mass spectrometer
    formulated whole nuber rule
  • James Chadwick

    Discoverd evidence toward existance of heutrons
  • Aristotle

    384b.c -322 b.c
    not believe atomic theory