Charlexcia Thomas and Sydni Orillion

  • 400


    After Democritus hearing a guy named Leuippus that there building block made up other matter.Since Democritus really based his theory observation and national aroisty"expierment".He had dissolved what he was be the individual burning blockets life velcro.Coffey, Jerry. "Democritus Atom." Universe Today. N.p., 22 Mar. 2010. Web.
  • Dalton

    Dalton concevied as his atom as a single enity with no sepaartions between postivie,negative, and neutral charge.While reaction gases he found out sme gases on combined.He though they like balls.William, Matt. "John Dalton's Atomic Model." Universe Today. N.p., 01 Dec. 2014. Web. 20 Feb. 2015
  • Thomson

    In 1897, J.J Thompson discovered the electron by expirinting with cathode ray tude, and he demonstrated cathode ray expirement are negatively charged. He used an expirement called the "cathode ray tube" this is a vaccum sealed with cathode & cretaes a beam of electrons. He did this over the course expirement 3 times. Plum Pudding, thompsons model basically says that atoms are spheres which has an overall, diffose positive charge with little negative electrons randonly appearing.
  • Rutherford

    Rutherford discovereE discovered or used the gold foil expirement, this demonstrated the atoms were made up of a charged nucleous orbited by electrons. he believed that his atom looked like a tiny planetary system, with most of the mass in the nuetron, and electrons orbiting around it like the sun. so overall rutherford found out that atoms have a nucleous!
  • Heisenberg and Schrodinger