Health charactor thing

Charactor Timeline

  • Eating too much

    Squiggle ate too much for no reason at all. He just had nothing to do.
  • Birth

    Squiggle was born
  • Flu

    Treatinng a flu you can get some sleep, drink a lot of water, and get proper nutrient.
    Way to not get the flu: Wash hands often, Avoid contact with sick people, and eat right.
  • Social

    On the first day of preschool, Squiggle had a hard time making friends because he looks different and too colorful. He overcame this challenge bytaking a risk and talking to people. He thought to his self that he'll never make friends if he don't talk to people.
  • Family member death

    After Squiggle loosing his dad. He never been the same. Especially his mother, she got meaner and rude. Squiggle felt sad and depressed but he realized that if he is always like this that he would never go anywhere in life. So he start looking forward and starting to hope that everything would get better.
  • Family health

    Squiggle family is usually unhealthy eater and are a little chubby. Whe Squiggle realized this hw started feeding his family healthier. He made his family eat more veggies and fruit nistead of chips or other oily snacks. He also made his family workout for at least an hour to loose fat that they don't need.
  • Puberty

    Body begins to fill out and voice changes
  • Stressful Event

    First exam Squiggle ever took. And he is stressed out.I effected him a lot. He didn't sleep often and didn't eat breakfast or dinner. A coping method he thought of was to eat while doing his work.
  • Smoking

    Squiggle's mother started to smoke after his dad's death. Squiggle is worried about his mom geting lung cancer, Having tar in her lungs, spending too much money on tobacoo product, and being addicted.
  • Drinking Friend

    Squiggle is consider about their mental health, him making smart decision bcause drinking numbs the brain. He also concerned that he might get addicted. Also he worried that his friend might start skipping school and drink and be a drop out.
  • Tips to be abstinent

    Tips were don't drink, don't smoke, and stay healthy
  • Party

    Thing to say to get him to not to drink and drive. Are if he does do that he has a risk of dying and other people in the car. Another one is that its ILLEGAL.