Cell Theory

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    Animals being classified.

    Animals being classified.
    Aristotle was known for his approach and numerous dissections. He was drawn to animal classification in order to discover aspects of connection between the soul and the human body. Some of his animal classifications still stand today.
  • Jan 1, 1540

    The study of biology being revolutionized

    Andreas Vesalius- Renaissance physician who revolutionized the study of biology and the practice of medicine by his careful description of the anatomy of the human body. Basing his observations on dissections he made himself, he wrote and illustrated the first comprehensive textbook of anatomy.
  • First Compound Microscope

    First Compound Microscope
    Zacharias Jansen produced the first compound mircroscope by combining two convex lenses within a tube.
  • Cells Were Introduced To Science

    Cells Were Introduced To Science
    Robert Hooke introduced the word "cell" to science and discovered the cellular composition of cork.
  • Discovery of Protozoa

    Discovery of Protozoa
    Anton van Leeuwenhoek discovered protozoa. He reported that he had observed "little animals"(protozoa) through a microscope.
  • Better Lenses

    Better Lenses
    Leeuwenhoek improved magnification of microscopes by polishing the lenses more often.
  • Animacules and Bacteria Were Discovered

    Animacules and Bacteria Were Discovered
    Leeuwenhoek discovered animalcules. He also discovered bacteria from a sample of saliva from his mouth.
  • Animal Classification

    Animal Classification
    Lorenz Oken came up wih a new animal classification:
    1.Dermatozoa, or invertebrates
    2.Glossozoa, or fish, those animals in which a true tongue makes, for the first time, its appearance
    3.Rhinozoa, or reptiles, in which the nose opens for the first time into the mouth and inhales air
    4.Otozoa, or birds, in which the ear for the first time opens externally
    5.Ophthalmozoa, or mammals, in which all the organs of sense are present and complete, the eyes being movable and covered with lids.
  • Spontaneous Generation

    Spontaneous Generation
    Louis Pasteur set out to disprove spontaneous generation with a now-classic experiment that both firmly established the cell theory beyond boubt and solidified teh basic steps of the modern scientifc method.
  • Plant Cells Discovery

    Plant Cells Discovery
    Matthias Schleiden discovered that plants were made up of cells. He looked a a variety of plant samples. Schleiden was the first to realize that all plants, and all the different parts of the plants are made up of cells.
  • Animal Cell Discovery

    Animal Cell Discovery
    Theodor Schwann discovered that animals were composed of cells.
  • Shwanns Published More Information

    Shwanns Published More Information
    Shwann published "Microscope Investigations on the Accordance in the Structure and Growth of Plants and Animals." It included the first statement of cell theory: All living things are made up of cells.
  • Sperm and Egg Cells

    Sperm and Egg Cells
    Albrecht von Roelliker realized that sperm cells and egg cells are also classified as cells.
  • Cell Theory Was Proposed

    Cell Theory Was Proposed
    Schleiden, Virchow and Schwann proposed the cell theory. Schleiden discovered that all plants were made of cells. Then a year later Schwann discovered that all animals were made of cells. Later, Virchow was doing experiments with diseases when he found that all cells come from other existing cells.
  • Penetration of Sperm and Egg Cells

    Penetration of Sperm and Egg Cells
    Pringsheim observed how a sperm penetrated an egg cell.
  • Mitochondria is Discovered

    Mitochondria is Discovered
    Kolliker discovered and described mitochondria.
  • Chromosome Behavior

    Chromosome Behavior
    Flemming described chromosome behavior during mitosis.