Canadian Explorers

  • Nov 9, 1450

    John Cabot's Birth

    He was born in Genoa or Gaeta, Italy. In Italy he is known today as Giovanni Caboto, in England as John Cabot, in France as Jean Cabot, and in Spain as Juan Caboto. He has alot of names but in different places
  • Sep 1, 1491

    Jacques Cartier's Birth

    He was born on September 1, 1491 in Saint-Malo , the port on the extreme north-east coast of Brittany.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot

    He got four letters. The chronicle entry, which dates from 1565, states its entry that on St. John the Baptist's Day (24 June 1497), America was found by the Merchants of Bristow in a shippe of Bristowe, called the Mathew.
  • May 9, 1499

    John Cabot's Death

    Nobody knows when or how he died but he died in the year of 1499. So ignore the day and month.
  • May 19, 1535

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques sailed to St. Lawrence with three ships, 110 men, and the two natives. For the first time he up sailed and reached the Iroquoian capital of Stadacona, where Chief Donnacona ruled.
  • Sep 1, 1557

    Jacques Cartier's Death

    He died on his birthday and nobody knows the sorce of his death.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    On March 15, 1603, Champlain was anxious to see for himself all of the places that Jacques Cartier had seen and he wanted to go even further than Cartier if its possible for him. He created a map of the St. Lawrence River after he returned to France on September 20.
  • Samuel de Champlain's Birth

    On December 25, 1635, Samuel was born in Brouage, Province of Saintonge, France
  • Samuel de Champlain's Death

    On December 25, 1635, which is the day of Christmas, he died suffered a severe stroke in October 1635, and died on 25 December 1635.Then he was buried in the church while a standalone chapel but then got burned and nowone knows where he got buried.
  • Louis Jolliet's Birth

    On September 21, 1645, Louis was born in a French settlement near Quebec City.
  • Louis Jolliet's Voyage

    On May 18, 1673, Louis and Marquette settled off from St. Ignace with two canoes and five more voyageurs of French-Indian ancestry. After a lond travel, they eventually entered the Mississipi River Near the Prairie Du Chien on June 17.
  • Louis Jolliet's Death

    On May, 1700 on an unknown day, Louis left to Anticosti Island and died there. His body was never found and and the place and date was unknown. A big soul was said on Septmember 15, 1700.
  • James Cook's Birth

    He was born on November 7, 1720 in Marton in Yorkshire
  • Samuel Hearne's Birth

    On February, 1745, unknown day, Samuel was born in London, England.
  • Alexander Mackenzie's Birth

    Alexander was born on March 12, 1764 at Stornoway, in the Outer Herbides, Scotland.
  • James Cook

    For the first time he made a landfall on the mainland of the continent in now named the Kurnell Peninsula. He it named Botany Bay after the special specimens.
  • David Thompson birth

    He was born in Westminster, England on April 30, 1770.
  • James Cook's Death

    He died on February 14, 1779. He got killed in Hawaii by Hawaiians during his third voyage
  • David Thompson

    he apprenticed to the Hudson's Bay Company as a clerk, arriving at Churchill Factory on Hudson Bay in September of 1784 not sure in which day.
  • John Franklin's Birth

    He was born on 16 April 1786 in Spilsby, Lincolnshire. He was the ninth of twelve children.
  • Samuel Hearne's Death

    Nobody knows how he died but died in November, 1792.
  • Alexander Mackenzie's Voyage

    In the 1792's he set again to find a route to the Pacfic Ocean. He left following the route of the peace river. Soon he found the upper area of the Frase River, but warned by the natives that the Fraser Canyon was not navigatable and populated from another tribe. Instead he followed the grease trail by the West Road River, crossed the mountains and to the sea.
  • Alexander Mackenzie's Death

    In the 1820, not sure what month and day, Alexander died from a disease called the Bright Disease in the age from 53 to 56. He was buried in Avoch, Black Isle, Rose and Cromarty.
  • John Franklin

    He sailed off from England in 19 May 1845, with a crew of 24 officers and 110 men. The ships travelled north to Aberdeen for supplies. Then they travelled to Greenland fron Scotland. But then after a year they got trapped in ice off King William Island.
  • David Thompson's Death

    He died on February 10, 1857 2 months berfore his eighty-seventh birthday buried in Montreal's Mount Royal cemetery.
  • Roald Amundsen

    This was the year when Roald Amundsen was born in Oslo, Norway.
  • Roald Amundsen

    Roald Amundsen
    He was the first person reach to the North AND South Poles. He was traveling in a dog-sled.
    Picture from:
  • Ronald Amundsen's Death

    When he was 55 years old, he died in a plane crach trying to save his friend, Nobile.
  • John Franklin Death

    He died on 11 June 1847, near King William Island, in Canada. The exact location of his grave is unknown. After two years passed, the send a searched party and they figured out that it appeared from the bad weather, years locked in ice, diseases , poisoned food, botulism and starvation had killed everyone in the Franklin party.
  • Samuel Hearne

    There were no canoe route in the northwest of Canada and the plan was to go on foot over the frozen winter ground. Without the canoes, they have to carry as much food as possible and then live off the land. He planned to join the northern Indians.