
First Amendment Cases

  • Brandenburg v. Ohio

    Brandenburg v. Ohio
    Brandenburg was a group of people were out on a street vocalizing their distasteful beliefs towards blacks and jews. They were filmed holding weapons and fire however Brandenburg made a comment of possible vengeance towards blacks and jews and was fined $1000 and imprisoned for 10 years. The court appealed this decision and that his comment wasn't under "imminent danger". He did not state clearly that he was going to attack someone of that nature.
  • Wallace v. Jaffree

    Wallace v. Jaffree
    A student in an elementary school was subjected to unison prayers daily within in the class. The father received news of such act and took the school to court. The court found that they violated constitutional principles in Alabama.
  • McDonald v. Smith

    McDonald v. Smith
    Smith raised charges towards mcdonald for libel. The claims of libel was written in a letter and Mcdonald was protected by the first amendment to express opinions as long as it was a constitutionally protected petition.
  • Florida Star v. B. J. F

    Florida Star v. B. J. F
    BJF was a woman that reported to a sheriff that she had robbed, physically assaulted, and raped. The sheriff put the details in a report verbatim as she reported. A news reporter took the report and included it with the rape victims name written inside of it. BJF sued them and received compensation but the final decision was that the newspaper isn't considered liable.
  • Rust v. Sullivan

    Rust v. Sullivan
    A federally funded group of people that helped funded for those in financial needs were suddenly declared that abortions would not be included in such. It violated their 1st amendment right by giving right to an activity and exclusion to the next.
  • Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coaliton

    Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coaliton
    Child pornography had since been a law that was strictly enforced within the United States. However when technology is included it switches everything up. Ashcroft enjoyed created computer generated teen pornography, cartoon based. This too was deemed unconstitutional.
  • Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow

    Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow
    A student in a school claimed that the pledge of the allegiance was unconstitutional because it combined religion and school. "Under god". This was taken up with the supreme court to determine if the allegiance was constitutional in schools and they declared it was.
  • Guiles v. Marineau

    Guiles v. Marineau
    A student wore a shirt which depicted his political views towards Bush. The shirt was George Bush as a chicken, beneath it was cocaine, alcohol and drugs. The school deemed the shirt inappropriate and distracting and was sent home on a referral. The parents took the school to court and the court agreed that the student was simply expressing his political view. The court appealed the referral and that he was under fair use of the 1st amendments right of "Political Views".
  • Locke v. Karass

    Locke v. Karass
    Locke proposed a litigation fee and Karass brought him to court. The court agreed that the fee imposed wasn't fair and violated the 1st constitution rights.
  • United States v. Stevens

    United States v. Stevens
    Stevens posted about animal cruelty or any depictions of animal cruelty and was brought to court. The animal crush prohibition act of 2010 to have much more specific language and stevens was unconstitutional.