Brothers in Arms

  • Martin Luna Birthday

    Martin Luna Birthday
    Happy birthday Martin Luna!!
  • Hueros Birthday

    Hueros Birthday
    Happy Birthday Huero
  • Huero Shot and Killed

    Huero Shot and Killed
    8 year old Huero was trying to warn his older brother, his idol and hero of the danger that was coming his way. In an attempt to warn him shots rang out and Huero was hit in the head.
  • Hueros Funeral

    Hueros Funeral
    Huero was buried today. I don't know how to feel about this. I feel like getting revenge and finding the person that took him away. One day I will find them and they will pay!
  • First Day at Bluford High Shool

    Martin Luna attends school for the first time. He is dressed with his baggy pants and shirt. He stands out among the crowed at Bluford, something that was not the case when he was attending Zamora high school.