Billy Pilgrims timeline

  • Billy Pilgrim is born

    Billy Pilgrim is born
  • family vacation to the Grand Canyon

    family vacation to the Grand Canyon
  • drafted to the army

    drafted to the army
  • train ride to fathers funeral

    train ride from maneuvers South Carolina to Ilium
  • Roland Weary dies of gangrene

  • Dresden fire bombing

    Dresden fire bombing
  • life threatened by Lazzaro

  • Billy is elected president of the Ilium, New York, Lions Club

    Billy is elected president of the Ilium, New York, Lions Club
  • Puts his mother in a nursing home

    Puts his mother in a nursing home
  • abducted by UFO

    abducted by UFO
  • plane crash

    plane crash
  • put to bed for accusations aobut Tralfamadore

    Daughter put him to bed and told him to stay there.
  • died
