Atomic Theory Project

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    400 BCE- Democritus

    A Greek Philsosopher, Decmocritus, believed that you would eventually end up with a particle that could not be cut. He named this particle the Atom. He believed that atoms were made of a single material formed into different sizes and shapes.
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    382 BC- Aristotle

    • Dissagreed with Democritus
    • Believed you would eventually end up with a particle you couldnt not cut.
  • 1700's Dalton

    • Learned that all substances are made of atoms
    • Atoms join with other atoms to make new substances
  • 1897- Thomson

    • Showed that there was a mistake in Daltons theory
    • Experimented with a catjode-ray tube
    • Discovered that there are small particles inside the atom
  • Schrodingerand Heisenburg

    Further explained the nature of electrons in the atom
    Said the path of an electron can not be predicted
  • Rutherford 1909

    • Decided to test Thomsons theory
    • Designed a experiment to study the parts of the atom
    • Aimed a beam of positively charged particles at a thin sheet of gold foil
    • Rutherford could see were particles went after hitting the gold foil
  • Rutherford- 1911

    • Revised Atomic Theory
    • Proposed the center of the atom of tiny and extremly dense
  • Bohr

    • Studied ways atoms react to light
    • Proposed that electrons move around the nucleus in certin paths between the levels
    • Worked on and revised Atomic Theory