Atomic Theory

  • Antoine Lavoisier

     Antoine Lavoisier
    He found that mass is conserved in a chemical reaction.
  • Joseph Louis Proust

    Joseph Louis Proust
    He was best known for his discovery of the law of constant composition that stated chemical compounds always combine in constant proportions.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    He found that the chemical makeup of air was a mechanical system composed of small individual particles that used pressure applied by each gas independently.
  • Michael Faraday

    Michael Faraday
    He discovered electromagnetic induction, the principle behind the electric transformer and generator. This discovery was crucial in allowing electricity to be transformed from a curiosity into a powerful new technology.
  • Henri Becquerel

    Henri Becquerel
    He discovered radioactivity, the emission of ionizing radiation or particles caused by the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei.
  • J.J. Thomson

    J.J. Thomson
    He discovered the electron during a series of experiments that were made to study the nature of electric discharge in a high-vacuum cathode-ray tube, which was being investigated by many scientists at that time.
  • Max Planck

    Max Planck
    He originated the Quantum Theory, which is a theory of matter and energy based on quanta, a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents.
  • Marie Curie

    Marie Curie
    She was known for making contributions to the study of radium and radiation was an instrumental technology for the future development of the atomic bomb.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    He created the quantum theory of light, the idea that light exists as tiny packets, or particles, which he called photons. He also proposed that we live in a quantum universe, one built out of tiny, discrete chunks of energy and matter.
  • Robert Milikan

    Robert Milikan
    Known for his measurement of the elementary electronic charge and for his work on the photoelectric effect.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    He discovered the nucleus of the atom.
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr
    Discovered that electrons travel in separate orbits around the nucleus and that the number of electrons in the outer orbit determines the properties of an element.
  • Louis DeBroglie

    Louis DeBroglie
    His research on quantum theory and for his discovery of wave nature of electrons was a vital part of knowledge of matter during the time period.
  • Ernest Schrodinger

    Ernest Schrodinger
    He found the probability that an electron can be found in a given region of space at a given time.
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    Discovered the neutron, a subatomic particle of about the same mass as a proton but without an electric charge, present in all atomic nuclei except those of ordinary hydrogen.
  • Lisa Meitner

    Lisa Meitner
    Conducted experiments verifying that heavy elements capture neutrons and form unstable products which undergo fission. This process ejects more neutrons continuing the fission chain reaction.
  • Otto Hahn

    Otto Hahn
    He discovered nuclear fission, which is a nuclear reaction in which a heavy nucleus splits spontaneously or on impact with another particle, with the release of energy.
  • Glen T. Seaborg

    Glen T. Seaborg
    He was known for isolating and identifying transuranium elements, those heavier than uranium. Plutonium and Californium were two.
  • Sphere model

    Sphere model
  • Plum Pudding Model

    Plum Pudding Model
  • Planetary Model

    Planetary Model
  • Electron Cloud Model

    Electron Cloud Model
  • Quantum Mechanical Model

    Quantum Mechanical Model