Atomic Theory

  • 400


    (400 BC) First suggested the existence of atoms
  • Newton

    wanted to explain what was known about light's behavior assuming light consists of particles
  • Lavoisier

    First to use truely quantitative research. Observations led to the law of conservation of mass
  • Proust

    Observeed that the composition of water is always 11% hydrogen and 89% oxygen. Proposed the law of definite proportions.
  • Dalton

    Transformed the idea and formed Dalton's atomic theory
  • Dobereiner

    published classification system
  • Mendeleev

    formulated the periodic table of elements.
  • Crooke

    Created the cathode ray tube and found that there was charged particles that flowed through the tube when electricity was passed through the tube.
  • Eugen Goldstein

    Observed cathode ray and saw some particles were going the opposite way of the cathode rays. He called those particles protons.
  • Bequerell

    studied the affect of x-rays on photographic film. He discovered some chemicals spontaneously decompose and give off very pentrating rays.
  • JJ Thomson

    Discovered the electron when expiramenting with a cathode ray. Created the plum pudding model
  • Curie

    discovered the radioactive elements polonium and radium
  • Planck

    Tried describing why metals start blackthen red, yellow, white as temperature increases
  • Einstein

    Used quantum theory to explain photoelectric effect. His theory was that light behaves as a stream of particles and explains the photo electric effect
  • Millikan

    Carried out JJ's expiraments; oil drop expirament
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Found that atom has a small dense positively charged nucleus. He did the gold foil expirament
  • Bohr

    Proposed that an atom absorbs/emits light and that the electron is found in a specific path around the nucleus
  • Moseley

    Using x-ray tubes he determined the charges on the nuclei of most atoms
  • DeBrogile

    Asked can particles behave as matter?
  • Schrodinger

    Made the quantum mechanical model. Electrons don't follow a specific path but is found in a cloud around the nucleus.
  • Heisenberg

    uncertanty principle. Stated that it is impossible to know both velocity and position of a patricle at the same time
  • James Chadwick

    Discovered the neutron