Atomic model front page

Atomic model timeline

  • 460

    Democritus’ Model

    Democritus’ Model
    He hypothesized that all matter is composed of tiny indestructible units, called atoms. His model came acrossed to people as a industructable ball.
  • Dalton's Model

    Dalton's Model
    Dalton hypothesize that elements combine at the atomic level in fixed ratios. His hyothoesis contain five different theroms which state that Pure substances contain atoms, atoms of an element are all the same for that element, atoms can be told apart by their atomic weight, atoms unite to form chemical compounds, and atoms can neither be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction. Dalton's model showed that the atoms were indestructible particles and that each one had a certain behavior.
  • Proton was Discovered

    Proton was Discovered
    The Proton is a partical with a positive eletric charge.
  • Electron was Discovered

    Electron was Discovered
    The electron is a particle with a negitive eletric charge.
  • Thomsons Model

    Thomsons Model
    Thomsons model was called the "Plum Pudding Model" which had the recently discovered electron that Thomson had discovered. In the model the atom is surrounded by Positive and negitive charges.
  • Ruthford's Model

    Ruthford's Model
    Ruthford developed the planetary model of the atom which put all the protons in the nucleus and the electrons orbited around the nucleus.
  • Bohr's Model

    Bohr's Model
    Bohr's model was called the "shell model" which explained how electrons can have stable orbits around the nucleus. He first tried Ruthford's model finding it to be unstable which caused the energy to go into the nucules.
  • Electron Cloud Model

    Electron Cloud Model
    Erwin Schrödinger developed a probibility function which described a clound like image where the atom will moslt likely be found. The cloud part in the Model represents where the atom has been or will it will eventually be, and the dot in the Cloud Model represents the nucules.
  • Neutron was Discovered

    Neutron was Discovered
    The Neutron is a partical with no electric charge.