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Atheist Time Line

  • Period: to

    Atheist TIme Line

  • Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Association

    This letter was the origin of the phrase "wall of separation between Church and State"
  • Darwin Day

    The birthday of scientist Charles Darwin (b. 1809)
  • Reynolds v. United States

    SCOTUS decision that religious practices which impair the public interest do not fall under the First Amendment's protection.
  • Scopes Monkey Trial

    Infamous case which upheld a Tennessee law forbidding the teaching of evolution in the classroom.
  • Engel v. Vitale

    The Supreme Court finds it is unconstitutional to require prayer in public school.
  • Scheeler v. Rudy, 2 Pa. D. & C.3d 772, 780

    awarding custody to mother, noting as factor in her favor that she often took children to church, while father rarely did, that “[t]his court has often noted the absence of any regular church attendance in the pre- sentence reports of those who have been convicted of some crime, which appear on our desk,” and that “a religious education and upbringing can have a substantial effect upon the outlook and attitudes of a child, and in turn upon the life of the adult he or she will become.”
  • Wallace v. Jaffee

    Alabama tried to reintroduce state-sponsored prayer into public school.
  • Allegheny County v. ACLU

    The Supreme Court declares it to be illegal to have a purely religious display on government property.
  • Goodrich v. Jex, No. 243455, 2003 WL 21362971, at *1

    noting “that [father] has a greater capacity and willingness to continue to take the parties’ daughters to church and related activities,” and that trial court had been “concerned with [mother’s] belief that her minor daughters are capable of making their own decisions whether to attend church”
  • Sharrow v. Davis, Nos. 244043, 245117, 2003 WL 21699876, at *3

    noting that “[father] never attended church and his older children were not baptized,” that “[father] felt [the children] should experience many religions and choose one when they were older,” and that though “[mother] did not attend church regularly, she attended periodically and would take all of the children with her”
  • Atheist Shoe Study

    Beggining of he athiest shoe study.